Biographical sketch
Norberto graduated in Physics from the “Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM)”. He did his Bachelor thesis in the “Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares (ININ)” where he was involved on the study of propagation of electromagnetic waves in plasmas. In 2000, Norberto obtained his PhD degree in Sciences (Optics) from the “ Centro de Investigaciones en Óptica, A.C. (CIO)”. During his doctoral studies, he worked on the topic of second harmonic generation at semiconductor surfaces. Soon after, he joined, as a posdoctoral fellow, the Professor Sipe's group in the Department of Physics of the University of Toronto. There, he studied the optical generation of currents in semiconductors. Since 2003, he is researcher at the CIO and is working in the research topics of Optical properties of surfaces and nanostructures and photonic crystal fibers.